Central Vigilance Commission (CVC):Admin Law Notes

Central Vigilance Commission: In any system of government, improvements in the grievance redressal machinery have always engaged the attention of ...
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Suits Against Government: Admin Law Notes

Contractual Liability of the GovernmentArticles 294, 298, 299 and 300 of the constitution of India, deal with the contractual liability ...
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Government Privileges In Legal Proceedings: Admin Law Notes

RIGHT TO KNOWGovernment Privileges In Legal Proceedings: Government openness is a sure technique to minimize administrative faults. As light is ...
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State And Its Liability: Admin Law Notes

State And Its Liability: Admin Law Notes: Remedies for Actions of the administration is available to the individual against the ...
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Administrative Discretion: Administrative Law Notes

ADMINISTRATIVE DISCRETION- CONCEPT According to COKE-Discretion is a science of understanding to discern between falsity and truth, between right and ...
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Judicial Control Over Administrative Acts: Administrative Law Notes

Judicial Control Over Administrative Acts: The broad principles on which the exercise of discretionary powers can be controlled, have now ...
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Administrative Discretion And Fundamental Rights

Administrative Discretion And Fundamental Rights: Articles 13 to 35 of the constitution of India has guaranteed certain fundamental rights to ...
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Judicial Behavior And Administrative Discretion In India: Administrative Law Notes

JUDICIAL BEHAVIOR AND ADMINISTRATIVE DISCRETION IN INDIA: Though courts in India have developed a few effective parameters for the proper ...
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Constitution of India – Dealing With Disciplinary Matters: Administrative Law Notes

Constitution of India – Dealing With Disciplinary Matters: Article 309 provides that the Acts of the appropriate legislature may regulate ...
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Disciplinary Action Against Public Servants: Administrative Law Notes

Disciplinary Action Against Public Servants: A distinction needs to be drawn between disciplinary action of civil or criminal procedure. The ...
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