TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP: The Sale of Goods Act 1930 Notes

TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP:Transfer of property from seller to Buyer (Section 20-22) Unascertained  Goods are Ascertained Appropriation of Goods Unconditionally Ascertained ...
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CONDITIONS AND WARRANTIES: The Sale of Goods Act 1930 Notes

CONDITIONS AND WARRANTIES Generally, at the time of sale, the seller makes some representation, statements  of stipulations for the praise ...
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Price of Goods (Sec 9, 10): The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 Notes

Price means the money consideration for a sale of a Goods 2(10) The following are the modes of determining price ...
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Classification of Goods: The Sale of Goods Act 1930 Notes

Classification of Goods The goods may be classified into following categories: Existing    Specific           Ascertained Unascertained                             Future                        Contingent Existing Goods Existing ...
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Essential Elements of Valid Contract of Sales: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 Notes

The following are the essentials of valid contract of sale: There must be two parties, one seller and other buyer. ...
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Applicability & Definition Under Section 2: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 Notes

SECTION 1: COMMENCEMENT AND APPLICABILITY APPLICABILITY OF THE ACT This act extends to whole of India, except the State of ...
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Interference with Business|Passing off|Salander of Title & Goods|

  INTERFERENCE WITH BUSINESS Passing Off If a person disposes of his goods, as those of another person without legal ...
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