Agency-The Indian Contract Act 1872 Notes

INTRODUCTION TO CONTRACT OF AGENCY (Sec.182) Meaning of ‘agent’ (agency)An ‘agent’ is a person employed to – Do any act ...
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Performance (Tender) – The Indian Contract Act 1872 Notes

Sec 37:-That the parties to a contract must either perform or offer to perform, their respective promises unless such performance ...
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Contingent Contract- The Indian Contract Act 1872 Free Notes

What is contingent contract? Meaning of Contingent Contract: A ‘contingent contract’ is a contract, to do or not to do ...
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Void Agreement-The Indian Contract Act 1872 Notes

2(g)- Void agreement is an agreement which is not enforceable by Law – void – ab – inito. Agreement by ...
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Unlawful Consideration/Object is Void [SEC 23]- Indian Contract Act Note

Section 23 in The Indian Contract Act, 1872: What consideration and objects are lawful, and what not.—The consideration or object ...
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Difference: Fraud and Misrepresentation| Contract Act Notes

Fraud| The indian contract act 1872 notes| The term fraud means a take representation of facts made willfully with a ...
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Free Consent: Importance and Essentials Factors|Contract Act Notes

Free Consent: Importance and Essentials Factors: According to section 13 Two persons are said to have consented when they agree ...
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Consideration: Meaning, Legal Rules & Its Exceptions-Contracts Act Notes

Meaning of Consideration |Indian Contract Act, 1872 Notes| Consideration is a quid pro quo i,e something in return it may ...
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Capacity to Contract and Its Exception-The Indian Contract Act 1872 Notes

  CAPACITY TO CONTRACT Parties unable to enter into a contract Minor             A person of unsound mind  Lunatic           Idiot    Drunken ...
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What are the General and Legal Rules for Acceptance of an Offer??

ACCEPTANCE Acceptance 2(b):- When the person to whom the proposal is made, signifies his assent there to , the proposal ...
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