Nature Of Various Constitutions In The World: Constitutional Law Notes

Nature Of Various Constitutions In The World: Nature of Constitution necessarily depends upon the types of Constitution Written or unwritten ...
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Salient Features Of The Indian Constitution: Consti Law Notes

The Constitution of India has some outstanding features which distinguish it from other Constitutions. The framers of our Constitution studied ...
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Culpable Homicide And Murder: IPC Notes

Introduction The Indian Penal Code (IPC) serves as the legal framework for various criminal offenses, particularly defining the distinctions between ...
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Introduction & Sources: Indian Constitution Law Notes

INTRODUCTION A Constitution is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a State or other organization ...
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Preamble to Constitution of India: Constitution Law Notes

Preamble of Constitution of India “WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into aSOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR ...
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Constitutional Remedies: Admin Law Notes

Constitutional Remedies available against an Administrative action article 32, 136, 226 and 227 of Indian constitution provide strong powers to ...
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Central Vigilance Commission (CVC):Admin Law Notes

Central Vigilance Commission: In any system of government, improvements in the grievance redressal machinery have always engaged the attention of ...
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Suits Against Government: Admin Law Notes

Contractual Liability of the GovernmentArticles 294, 298, 299 and 300 of the constitution of India, deal with the contractual liability ...
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Who is Ombudsman: Admin Law Notes

Who is Ombudsman in Administrative Law The Ombudsman is an independent and non-partisan officer of the legislative who supervises the ...
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Government Privileges In Legal Proceedings: Admin Law Notes

RIGHT TO KNOWGovernment Privileges In Legal Proceedings: Government openness is a sure technique to minimize administrative faults. As light is ...
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